
The dissolution of a marriage is an extremely stressful process, and faced with a legal separation or divorce, many are uncertain what the future holds and what to do to protect themselves, their children and their financial future.

At JLS Attorneys we help you through the legal process, whether it involves an uncontested divorce with no children and few assets, or a contested divorce involving conflict and possible litigation to settle disputes over child custody, division of assets, child support and spousal maintenance.

Where appropriate, proceedings are directed towards mediation before litigation to facilitate a more successful outcome reached through consensus and resolution. This results in reduced costs, however if you are unable to reach an agreement with your spouse, having an experienced attorney who will prepare you for your hearing is vital to the success of your case. To ensure the most successful resolution for each client, JLS Attorneys collaborates closely with other professionals involved including; family therapists, psychologists and mediators, as well as financial advisors. This inclusive approach supports strategies to best meet the client’s needs.

JLS Attorneys is a full service divorce and family law service representing clients in all types of divorce and family law matters.


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