Areas of Specialisation

Areas of Specialisation

JLS Attorneys is a full service divorce and family law service representing clients in all types of divorce and family law matters.

In order to deal effectively with all issues, we have built a network of seasoned professionals with whom we collaborate including advocates, forensic auditors, private investigators, valuers and actuaries, psychologists, social workers and mediators.


* Divorce law and interim relief
* Custody of (primary residence) and access to children
* Guardianship
* Wills and deceased estates
* Maintenance/the duty of support
* Child access and visitation issues
* Reciprocal enforcement of foreign maintenance orders
* Cohabitation agreements and the resolution of disputes resulting from co-habitation of couples
* Rights of same sex couples and related matters
* Antenuptual contracts/prenuptual agreements
* Relocation and child mobility
* Paternity disputes
* The rights of natural fathers of children born out of wedlock
* Domestic violence
* Mediation of family law disputes and settlement negotiations
* Establishing trusts
* Appointment of curators
* Commercial transactions: leases etc.

We recognise the financial and emotional costs incurred in litigating regarding family law disputes and the repercussions for the extended family. With this in mind, our approach in managing disputes is to attempt to negotiate and support an amicable resolution of disputes between parties. However we realise that it is often a skilful blend of artful negotiation and strategic litigation that yields the best results.

JLS Attorneys is a full service divorce and family law service representing clients in all types of divorce and family law matters.


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