Contracts & Litigation

Contracts & Litigation

Legal agreements provide one of the best ways to protect yourself, your children and your assets. Like insurance policies, you do the paperwork, and then hope you'll never need it. However they are essential precautions against nasty, costly, and emotionally draining legal disputes.

There is a vast range of legal agreements and contracts which ensure your rights are bound by law and prevent misunderstanding. As an individual, couple and business, the investment of having a document drawn up by a lawyer helps ensure that it is not only legally binding, but that all issues are clearly addressed.

The range of agreements and contracts available to protect you include:

* Wills
* Antenuptual agreements
* Domestic partnership agreements
* Settlement agreements
* Parenting plans
* Maintenance agreements
* Lease agreements
* Power of attorney
* Trust deeds
* Confidentiality agreements
* Business entity agreements

At JLS Attorneys, we explain what sorts of contractual relationships you can enter into in order to secure yourself and your assets, in each case. We can evaluate your current situation, discuss the legal options available to you, and indicate what legal steps need to be taken to achieve your long term goals.

JLS Attorneys is a full service divorce and family law service representing clients in all types of divorce and family law matters.


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